StandUp News

A Special Kitsap County Thank You

A special thank you to Katrina and her team from Kitsap Tennis And Athletic Center for doing a fantastic job on their food drive. They collected enough food to pack up over 60 bags, which contain over 180 meals, along with 60 snacks. We can't thank you enough for your generosity. We ...

Meet Clara, Our New Accounting Clerk

Meet Clara Barton, our new Accounting Clerk. She started working with us at the National Office last week. Learn more about her in her own words below. Why did you choose StandUp For Kids? I choose to serve at StandUp For Kids to make a difference in the lives of homeless youth, and to impact ...

The Chance for a Better Life

How a helping hand changes lives Richmond and his girlfriend were living with her sister until they got kicked out, along with their baby girl. They were living on the street in downtown Olympia when they saw the StandUp For Kids street outreach team and decided to ask for help. Since that ...

Hope With A Voice

          By Ryan Kincaid In recent years, Orange County’s homelessness problem has been discussed and reviewed often, and the general consensus has been that the homeless population is increasing. However, the method by which these numbers are determined seems ...