StandUp News

Giving Thursday

StandUp for Kids - San Diego The month of May has been designated as a giving month. Tomorrow is our “Giving Thursday”. StandUp for Kids – San Diego’s mission is to end the cycle of youth homelessness. We do this every day, one youth at a time. Our volunteers are here ...

StandUp for Kids – Orange County Launches “We Deliver” to Serve Needs of its Youth

StandUp for Kids - Orange County The ongoing crisis has left much uncertainty for all and rightfully has been cause for anxiety and worry. This is especially true for the youth population who have been forced to deal with a variety of challenges that have arisen as a result of the ...

The Impact – Volunteering In Silicon Valley

StandUp for Kids - Silicon Valley Today, we would like to highlight one of StandUp for Kids - Silicon Valley’s longest participating volunteers, Shonal. Shonal was one of the first volunteers to join the Silicon Valley chapter when it opened its doors in 2014, and has since shown nothing ...

Thank You Kia Motors!

StandUp for Kids - Olympia Recently, Kia motors announced that they were donating $1 million to organizations working in youth homelessness, and StandUp for Kids is one of their chosen organizations! Kia Motor’s dedication to our mission and investment in our staff, volunteers, and the ...