StandUp News

HulaFrog’s Most Loved Non-Profit!

StandUp For Kids - Worcester tied for "Most Loved Non-Profit" in Worcester. Thanks to all the followers of Hulafrog!

Homeless In Orange County

Homeless in Orange County from T V on Vimeo.A non-profit documentary about the unexpectedly harrowing experience of being a homeless youth in one of America's wealthiest counties.

A Call To Action

In order to grow our program here in Denver, several things must happen:  The first thing is to find more leaders to sit on our Leadership Team, to help build the program, set it on the right course, and insure that we will carry out the mission of StandUp For Kids. Which is basically, at ...

A Celebration of You: Martin Luther King Jr Day 2017

AmeriCorp and StandUp For Kids - Olympia brought a safe place for homeless youth and young adults on Marting Luther King Jr. Day. Twenty-six youth and young adults were served, we distributed 4 camp packs, 6 tents, 7 tarps, 6 ropes, 10 flashlights, 7 sleeping bags, 10 toiletry bags and over ...