January 2021 Supporter Spotlight: Trellis & “The Secret Sauce”
StandUp for Kids - Orange County
In every thriving community is a stabilizing force or “secret sauce.” That “secret sauce” for Costa Mesa is Trellis.
Trellis is a Costa Mesa nonprofit organization whose mission is to facilitate a collaborative approach to resolving the ...
Stepping Into The Light – Jeffrey
StandUp for Kids - Orange County
Born in Santa Ana and raised in Anaheim, Jeffrey’s life has been one of struggle – but also persistence. Growing up, he and his four siblings went from the care of their abusive mother to their abusive stepfather, and were eventually taken in by ...
Thank Yous From Kitsap County
StandUp for Kids - Kitsap County
Kitsap Bank, we celebrate you on your fourth year in serving our community through our chapter. We have no words for the gratitude we felt picking up your donation of food bags. Collecting 200 hundred food bags was amazing, especially during these Covid times. ...
Morgan – A Raging Fire Inside
StandUp for Kids - Orange County
Some people have so much character that "lively" doesn't encapsulate their energetic personality. This is true of Morgan, a youth who's been with StandUp for Kids for the past year. At just 23 years old, Morgan has been through several lifetimes' worth of ...