National Innovation and Research Roundup

By Eddy Ameen, PhD, National Board Chair  It might sound strange, but I love how many email lists I subscribe to! I find it the best way for me to stay in the know about youth homlessness nationally. Luckily for my colleagues, I don't forward everything I read; however, when I amass a ...

A post Harvey update from StandUp For Kids – Houston

All of our volunteers are safe and doing what they can for our clients. We want to thank all of our volunteers for helping out those in Houston. We are proud of how brave you all are. No matter where you are today, take some time to donate, volunteer, or pray for the victims of Harvey. The ...

Check Out Our 2016 Annual Report

We have compiled information about our services, impact, and supporters for the 2016 fiscal year, and assembled it into our 2016 Annual Report. We hope you'll check it out. We could not do the work we do without people like you.   

CBS46 hit the streets with us last week! Check it out!

They not only shined a spotlight on the prevalence of youth homelessness in our city, but also on the ability of our community to do something about it. CBS46 News