

Our ongoing mission is to end the cycle of youth homelessness. We serve unaccompanied homeless and at-risk youth from 12 to the 25th birthday. The foundation of our work is based around the national organization’s pillars of support (Street Outreach, Outreach Centers, Mentoring, and Housing) as defined here. However, each chapter is given the flexibility to address local issues nimbly and specific to the needs of the local communities they serve.

However, each chapter is given the flexibility to address local issues nimbly and specific to the needs of the local communities they serve.

The Oceanside chapter accomplishes this through two main programs, Street & Community Outreach and our Mentoring Program Journey to Self Sufficiency.

Journey to Self-Sufficiency (JTS)

The JTS program is a 5 Stage mentoring program targeted to helping young adults between the ages of 18 and 24, who are experiencing or at-risk of experiencing homelessness by equipping them with the tools, skills and support system they need to thrive.

Street & Community Outreach

Five Days a week, our Street & Community outreach team connects with youth experiencing homelessness in Orange County. We build meaningful relationships and trust while providing street-based engagement and survival resources.

 “I wouldn’t be here right now if it wasn’t for you,  you know that right?”… “You saved my life”~ Anonymous

“StandUp for Kids has helped me tremendously. I don’t know where I would be right now if it were not for StandUp for Kids.”~ Jasmine A.

“I feel more positive and I just feel better. I’m super thankful and happy to be in this program.” ~Chief

“StandUp for Kids has impacted my life by making me feel more welcome and giving me a support team.” ~Alabama