Thank You for Choosing StandUp for Kids as Your Charity of Choice
Select CFC #10949 on your pledge form today!

Dezerae was thirteen and living on the streets of Kitsap County, Washington – hungry, scared, and trying to survive on her own. Then, she met the volunteers with StandUp for Kids. Today, she’s married with four beautiful children, and she’s giving back to her community as an operations associate with a local advocacy organization. She is one of the lives that StandUp for Kids helped transform, with the support of people like you.
StandUp for Kids is honored to be part of the Combined Federal Campaign, which donated over $160 million to charitable causes like ours last year.
StandUp for Kids has been recognized by numerous presidential administrations. We have been active for decades in championing federal support for vulnerable youth. We worked with Jewel and Virgin Mobile to get Congress to declare November National Homeless Youth Awareness Month.
We have the distinctions of the highest possible rankings on Guidestar and on Charity Navigator. Charity Navigator says of its four-star rating that our organization “Exceeds industry standards and outperforms most charities in its Cause.”
StandUp for Kids participates in the CFC under the America’s Charities federation and our ID # 10949. Find your local campaign and give now.

If you have any questions, please email us at [email protected] or call us at 1-800-365-4543. Remember, StandUp for Kids can be found in your CFC pledge booklet under #10949.