This year, we’re bringing a twist to our Annual Car Show. In association with Auto Addiction OC, a classic car sanctuary in Lake Forest, StandUp for Kids – Orange County presents the 2024 Poker Run.
Drivers will gather at the starting location and proceed to cruise a route in Orange County where they will make stops at different automotive shops before arriving at Auto Addiction. At each stop, registered participants will receive a playing card until they have enough to reach a full hand in poker. The participants with the best poker hands at the finish line will receive prizes based on their score.
The starting location for this event is the Denny’s parking lot at 23515 El Toro Road in Lake Forest, CA 92630. The check-in table will open at 11:00am where participants can sign in to receive their map, meal ticket, and first playing card. Make sure to arrive early as the group will depart together promptly at 12:00pm! After departing together, all participating drivers will follow the lead car to our next stops where they will receive additional playing cards for their poker hand.
Our route will stop at Old Anvil Speed Shop in Orange, Ruffian Cars in Santa Ana, and So Cal Classic Car Storage in Laguna Hills before crossing the finish line at Auto Addiction OC where there will be music, food, drinks, silent auction items to bid on, and a chance to hear from some of the youth from StandUp for Kids. Aside from cars that sign up, Auto Addiction has a garage filled with 100 beautiful classics and a luxurious VIP lounge. Help us cruise to our goal of $30,000 to support our Road Map To Success (RMTS) Program.
RMTS supports youth in need in the Orange County school system by providing basic needs, school tutoring support, and ongoing mentoring to build trust and loving, caring relationships with our youth. This program seeks to create a framework for positive relationships while fostering effective communication and decision-making skills.
For questions about the event or if you are having trouble registering, please email [email protected]