Space to thrive
We love our sponsors!
Elite Sponsors
Gold Sponsors
Our sponsorship packages offer businesses, clubs, and individuals an opportunity to gain exposure as outstanding members and supporters of StandUp and Move.
Your sponsorship funds will go to support our mission to end the cycle of youth homelessness in communities across the country. Some sponsorship levels also come with complimentary event registrations. We would love to have your company field a team to move with us!
We will be highlighting all of our amazing event sponsors in this space!
Please direct any questions or sponsorship interest to [email protected].
About the event
The work we do to help homeless youth across the country get back on their feet would not be possible without amazing volunteers and supporters like you. It’s because of your dedication that we have a 33-year history as a nationally-recognized organization fighting to end youth homelessness.
To show our thanks, we created a National event to unite us all together for an important cause.
How do I register?
Registration is $45 per person, payable with a credit or debit card through our secure platform. You can sign yourself and additional participants in your household up at the same time. Registration is open now and will be available online all the way through November 30, 2023.
When you register, you will have two big choices to make:
1. Activity. Figure out how you want to move – do you want to run? Walk? Bike? Jump rope or kayak? Maybe you want to sit it out and participate silently while still getting the same benefits? Any way is fine with us.
2. Designation. You will select where you want your registration fee and any future donations you collect to go. You choose a specific location where StandUp for Kids operates a chapter serving local youth in need. You can also choose “National” and the funds will be received by our national headquarters and go to areas of greatest national need. Once you choose, you will be placed on that team.
How do I donate?
Donations are welcome through November 30. As a donor, your donations are tax deductible. You can choose to donate by selecting one of our teams (these are chapters where we operate, as well as the nationwide organization), selecting an individual campaign within a team, or simply to the overall event.
Your contribution will fund life-saving and life-changing programs for homeless youth from the ages of 12 to 24 across the country. All youth deserve bright futures, and your generosity helps make that happen.
What do I get when I register?
After you register, you will receive a commemorative event t-shirt and race bib that you can pin to your shirt if you want.
Thank you for all YOU do to make futures brighter for homeless youth, and for fueling StandUp for Kids over the past 33 years to do just that in communities across the country.
What can I do after I register?
What more can you do now that you’ve signed up? First, go ahead and let the world know! Share the event on social media and invite your friends and family to join the fun as fellow walkers, runners, and movers.
Next, fill up that fundraising bar! You can set up an individual fundraising campaign under the team you are assigned (our national team, or one of our chapter teams). The more you raise and get people to sponsor you, the more we can make a collective difference in the lives of homeless and at-risk youth! Top fundraisers will receive an exclusive race medal and a chance to win a prize package.
Get Social!

What does StandUp for Kids do?
StandUp for Kids is a national non-profit organization dedicated to ending the cycle of youth homelessness in local communities like yours. Since 1990, we have cared for homeless and at-risk youth by transitioning them from crisis to connection. Every year, we help thousands of youth. We give them a sense of safety, hope, and belonging through housing support, mentoring, drop-in centers, and street outreach. We bear the highest independent ratings for fiscal stewardship of all donations. We are powered by volunteers like you in communities like yours. Check us out at www.standupforkids.org today!